Referring your child for SIPP services doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming. Our Admissions Department is eager to assist and guide you through the process. You can contact them at 954-963-0991 for immediate assistance.
Children who are Medicaid eligible may attend Florida Palms Academy with all costs covered by their existing insurance. Health Insurance companies require a prior authorization for admission determination (Florida Palms Academy will do this for you).
The referral process can vary but always requires a psychiatrist or psychologist’s recommendation for a Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP). Following the recommendation requiring intensive residential treatment, a referral to Florida Palms Academy can be made.
If the child is not covered by Medicaid and is not Medicaid eligible then the state of Florida may also provide funding to attend Florida Palms Academy for children who have no insurance coverage. While such placements are possible, state funds are limited and may be difficult to obtain. You can contact your country to see if funds are available for your child.
Parents, guardians, teachers and mental health professionals are encouraged to call the Florida Palms Academy to explore the options available to you.